Our funder groups

Our funder groups

We draw on the complementary skills of our UK members and wider international stakeholders across civil society, business, philanthropy, academia, by supporting them to work collaboratively and in partnership.

About the Funder Groups

We convene impartial fora for discussion on key themes, identified through our mapping and analysis work, where joint or complementary research investment has the potential to increase impact for
developing countries. We encourage our members and stakeholders to work collaboratively to make a difference in gap or opportunity areas, to reduce the risk of duplication and share accountability.

Health Funders Forum

The Health Funders Forum brings together UK funders of global health research. The group meets three times a year, providing an opportunity for funders to share information and best practice and to identify potential areas for joint working. It provides members with an overview of UK-funded global health research activity, including current or future priority areas, to support coherence of UK funded global health research.

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Health Funders Forum

Research Capacity Strengthening Group (RCSG)

The RCSG is an informal community of practice that brings together over 20 UK funders and practitioners to share, learn, connect and improve practice in research capacity strengthening. It meets biannually and aims to improve coordination of UK activities.The group includes funders such as FCDO, Wellcome and MRC, and organisations that deliver programmes, such as INASP, the ACU and the Royal Academies.

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Research Capacity Strengthening Group (RCSG)

Communications Forum

The Communications Forum is an informal community platform initiated by London International Development Centre (LIDC) and UKCDR in September 2013. It meets twice a year to network and share knowledge, bringing together experts in research communications from universities, funding agencies, research institutes, think tanks and NGOs. Participants specialise in international development research communications or work for organisations with an important development research portfolio.

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Communications Forum

Disasters Research Group (DRG)

The DRG meets three times per year with the aim of enhancing research and technology based disaster risk reduction through improved coordination of UK and international funders, research providers and users. Among its main highlights, the DRG was credited as one of the bodies seen to strongly support the inclusion of science and technology solutions in the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the latest global framework to strengthen disaster resilience.
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Disasters Research Group (DRG)

Epidemics Preparedness and Response Group

The UKCDR epidemics preparedness and response group brings together UK research funders of epidemics research. In the event of an epidemic, and in between ongoing epidemics, this group supports UK research funders to share relevant information, network and communicate to support coherence and collaboration in the funding and the use of research in epidemics preparedness and response.
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Epidemics Preparedness and Response Group