Looking to the future: UK Science for Development

Looking to the future: UK Science for Development
12 November, 2013

UKCDS is starting a new body of work that will focus on how UK science is placed for contributing to international development for the future.

Here at UKCDS we’re starting a new body of work that will focus on how UK science is placed for contributing to international development for the future. Unsurprisingly, it’s a huge topic, and one that is very relevant to our members and stakeholders. However, it’s important to remember that this isn’t a new concept: most funders of research regularly convene panels of experts to metaphorically look into a crystal ball and consider the emerging areas of science in their own fields, and the potential applications. Similarly, they also discuss world challenges and what solutions interdisciplinary science can offer.

This programme will aim to take stock of current activities and share findings of good practice. We also want to better understand the various components: how can non-classical actors play a more integrated role or be directly addressed, such as the private sector or fragile states respectively? This will be set in the context of global initiatives, most notably the renewed MDGs, the Sustainable Development Goals, as well as its sibling initiative the Hyogo Framework for Action focussing on disaster risk reduction.

This programme is still being defined, so thoughts are warmly invited as to what could be included. If you were scoping the future of UK science for development, what would you investigate? Perhaps you’ve already done some thinking in this area- we’d love to hear about your findings.

Image credit: Robert Katski via Unsplash

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