Apply for funding for interdisciplinary, challenge-led research projects enabling the transition to low carbon energy in developing countries.
The Ayrton challenge programme will be centred on the delivery of impact with proposals expected to have clear plans for the transition of research to implementation in developing countries.
This funding opportunity is part of the Ayrton Fund, a UK government commitment of up to £1 billion that aims to accelerate the clean energy transition in developing countries, by creating and demonstrating innovative clean energy technologies.
Eligibility: The project lead (PL) must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for UKRI funding and must be eligible to hold UKRI grants. They must be from a UK higher education institution, a research council institute or an independent research organisation eligible for UKRI funding.
Proposals must be co-designed and delivered in equitable partnerships with “in-country” researchers – who should be included as project co-lead (international) (PcL(I)). PcL (I)’s must be based in a country on the OECD DAC list of ODA.
Level of funding: UKRI will fund around 10 projects between £2 million and £3 million for up to three years.
Key dates
- 09 April 2024: applications close at 16:00 p.m. GMT