The Hamied Foundation UK-India Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Visiting Fellowship Scheme will support the travel and subsistence costs of researchers in the UK wishing to visit India, or researchers in India wishing to visit the UK, to develop long-term collaborations in this highly-important and topical field of biomedical research.
The Academy is keen to support a diverse portfolio of researchers through this scheme, to include agricultural, veterinary, environmental and social scientists.
Eligibility: You will be a Professor or a senior or mid-career group leader, either based at a UK research institution wishing to visit India, or at a research institution in India wishing to visit the UK, to develop a collaboration in the area of AMR.
Level of funding: The scheme will cover the costs of UK-India/India-UK travel and internal transfers, accommodation and subsistence, up to a maximum of £6,000. The proposed visit should take place within 10 months of the date of award.
Key dates
- 1 November 2023: applications open
- 11 January 2024: applications close