Researchers can apply for funding from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) to apply for an overseas travel grant in any area within EPSRC’s remit.
This includes:
- artificial intelligence (AI)
- digital security and resilience
- energy and decarbonisation
- engineering
- healthcare technologies
- information and communication technologies (ICT)
- manufacturing and the circular economy
- mathematical sciences
- physical sciences
- quantum technologies
Overseas travel grants (OTGs) provide funding for visits overseas to learn new techniques, or form and develop collaborations.
Eligibility: All applicants must be based at an eligible UK research organisation. EPSRC standard eligibility rules apply. For full details, visit EPSRC’s eligibility page.
Level of funding: EPSRC will fund 80% FEC of a project. Costs supported include:
- travel
- subsistence
- salary of project lead (previously principal investigator)
- indirect costs
- visas
You cannot claim estates costs or equipment (including laptops) on an overseas travel grant.
Additional information: If your application includes international applicants, project partners or collaborators, visit UKRI’s trusted research and innovation for more information on effective international collaboration.
Key dates
- 13 November 2023: applications close at 9:00 UK time