Exploring Life In Context
EIPOD-LinC is a Postdoctoral fellowship programme supporting promising researchers from around the world who are passionate about interdisciplinary research. The programme is designed to support the increasing diversity of career paths in Europe’s research landscape providing researchers with the mentoring, training and career development support needed to become leaders in academia, industry and beyond.
The programme is embedded in EMBL’s unique interdisciplinary and collaborative research environment. Candidates work on self-designed interdisciplinary research projects in the context of European Molecular Biology Laboratory’s (EMBL) research programme: Molecules to Ecosystems. All projects require an EMBL Host and a partner.
Eligibility: Applicants must have a PhD.
Level of funding: The awards will provide a maximum of £1500 per month to support travel and living costs. Prior association (including visitor contracts) of a postdoctoral candidate with EMBL and/or a MS partner is compatible with application to the programme but cannot exceed 12 months within the last 3 years prior to the submission deadline. Any previous association must be indicated on the application form.
Additional information: Projects require at least one partner. The partner can come from EMBL or from an academicinstitute, industry or clinic located in an EMBL Member State, Associate Member State or Prospect Member State (https://www.embl.org/about/member-states/).