Statement from Professor Charlotte Watts (Chief Scientific Advisor and Director for Research and Evidence at the UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office, FCDO):

‘By giving us a much better picture of the ODA R&D landscape across UK funders, MODARI is proving to be a valuable information tool for colleagues based in the UK, in our overseas network, and our partners in ODA-eligible countries. MODARI should be viewed as a priority, and I am keen to see how the platform evolves. Huge thanks to the MODARI team.’

What is MODARI? 

MODARI is a project working to improve the availability and consistency of data on ODA-funded research and innovation across UK government funders and implementing partners. This work began in 2021 and continues in 2025 with three areas of focus:  

  1. ODA funding calls (browse the UK ODA Opportunities here for signposting to funders’ websites and an overview of funding flows) 
  2. ODA–funded projects (click on the Data Tool tab to explore the dashboard of UK ODA R&I activities) 
  3. Results of ODA-funded projects (work ongoing) 


Who is MODARI for?

This is a public resource designed for a wide range of stakeholders including: 

  • Country-based development staff – to find projects with a focus on your country or involving local partners 
  • ODA data analysts in government – to see their organisation’s R&I portfolio mapped in a single place and download data 
  • Researchers and institutions – to look for existing projects on a thematic area to inform your organisation’s research planning 


Where does the data come from?

Data comes directly from ODA funders, building on their existing IT systems and ODA reporting processes. We collect standardised project information on a bi-annual basis to ensure the MODARI database remains up to date. The data fields were chosen to balance range of potential portfolio analyses with data collection feasibility across organisations. 

Why is UKCDR working on this?

UKCDR has delivered several analyses on ODA-funded research and innovation, for example, UK ODA and Wellcome-funded research capacity strengthening in LMICs. We understand the challenges and opportunities associated with cross-funder datasets perhaps better than any other organisation. We strongly believe that timely, reliable data are key for a coherent, impactful approach to funding development research.