What is this data tool?

This tool is an interactive dashboard visualising grants data on climate change research, with a focus on Low– and Middle–Income countries (LMICs) between 2018 and 2023. The dashboard features a number of visualisations and filters to allow for a deeper insight into the research funding landscape, including across geographies, thematic areas, and time.

The tracker contains grants data from an initial list of 19 funders. It is intended to obtain data from a greater number of research funders with subsequent updates to the tracker.

Why are we working on this?

The UK is committed to being a leader in several areas, including tackling climate change, addressing international development challenges, and promoting global science. This commitment is reflected in key and recent policy documents such as the 2021 Integrated Review, the 2022 International Development Strategy, and the 2023 International Development White Paper which outline several ambitions, including to double the UK’s International Climate Finance (ICF) contribution by 2026. Additionally, UK funders have a long history of supporting high-impact research on climate change and international development. However, the urgency and complexity of the climate crisis requires the adoption of more coordinated approaches at a research funding level.

The aim of the tracker is to act as a live database of funded climate change research projects with a focus on LMICs to support funders and researchers in delivering a more effective and coherent response to the global challenges presented by climate change.

The tracker expands on UKCDR’s previous work in data mapping, analysis, and foresight.