TDR, the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases, is a global programme of
scientific collaboration that helps facilitate, support and influence efforts to combat diseases of poverty.
It is co-sponsored by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP), the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO).
TDR will fund fellows employed by academic and research institutions in any low- and middle-income country across the globe (not limited to those in sub-Saharan Africa) to be placed in pharmaceutical companies, product development partnerships (PDPs), and academic affiliated research organisations in Africa, America, Asia, Europe, and Latin America, to train and develop new research skills on infectious diseases.
Successful applicants are placed from 6 to 12 months in Training Partner Orgnisations (TPOs) and then receive a reintegration plan for 12 months at their home institutions. Fellowship duration will be based on the proposed targeted training offered by each TPO.
Eligibility: In order to be considered eligible for the call, the applicant should:
- be a national of, and resident in, an LMIC
- be a postgraduate (MSc or PhD) or MD; MSc pharma graduate, with proof of experience of clinical research activities in the scope of TDR
- have obtained their first degree within 15 years of submission of the application
- have been a researcher or clinical staff member employed for the last 24 months in an institution with a registered legal entity in an LMIC conducting clinical research activities in poverty-related infectious diseases, emerging infection diseases, pandemic preparedness, antimicrobial resistance, and NTDs
Level of funding: Each grant covers one economy class return ticket (home – TPO – home); a monthly stipend based on the location of the placement; health insurance and support to present at the relevant international conference during the fellowship, and access to an alumni network. A break at six months can be offered to allow the fellows to go back to their home institution to present to their peers the acquired training and the scientific progress made so far. The grant also includes provisional funds for reintegration, conditional upon the approval of a progress report and reintegration plan.
Key dates
- 19 February 2024: applications close at 17:00 p.m. CET