10 June, 2021
The UK Collaborative on Development Research (UKCDR) and ESSENCE have launched a survey to explore perspectives on barriers and enablers of funder practices to support equitable research partnerships throughout all stages of the research process.
The survey is aimed at those involved in both funding or undertaking / supporting international development research. Responses will be used to develop funder guidance and identify practical, implementable recommendations to support funders to operationalise existing principles on equitable partnerships.
We would like to invite you to take part in our survey.
Please also feel free to share this survey with colleagues or contacts who have knowledge or experience of barriers and enablers to equity in international research partnerships. We are particularly keen to hear from respondents in LMICs.
The survey takes approximately 15 minutes.
The deadline for completing the survey is 23:59 BST, Thursday 16th July 2021.
If you have any questions or comments about the survey, please contact Sheila Mburu on S.Mburu@ukcdr.org.uk
En partenariat avec ESSENCE nous venons de lancer une enquête pour connaître les obstacles qui demeurent et les facteurs favorables aux partenariats équitables pour la recherche sur le développement mondial.
Nous souhaitons recueillir les points de vue des financeurs et des chercheurs.
Date limite : 16 juillet
Hemos puesto en marcha una encuesta con ESSENCE para conocer los obstáculos existentes y los factores que facilitan la asociación equitativa para la investigación sobre #desarrolloglobal.
Queremos recabar la opinión de financiadores e investigadores.
Fecha límite: 16 de julio
Em parceria com o ESSENCE, acabamos de lançar um inquérito para saber mais sobre as barreiras restantes + os fatores que permitem parcerias equitativas para a investigação #globaldev.
Queremos captar as perspetivas do financiador e do investigador.
Prazo de entrega: 16 de julho
About the equitable partnerships project
The survey is part of a UKCDR and ESSENCE joint project on equitable partnerships, “From Principles to Practice”. The project aims to:
- Identify barriers and enabling factors for equitable partnerships in international research, with a focus on funder practices;
- Develop guidance providing practical recommendations to research funders to support equity in research partnerships;
- Develop good practice case studies and lessons learned.
The project aims to address a knowledge gap identified by a global group of funders at the 2019 International Development Research Funders Forum. The funders expressed a need for greater understanding of the remaining barriers to the implementation of existing principles on equity, and greater knowledge of enablers of equitable partnerships and examples of good funder practice.
The UK Collaborative on Development Research (UKCDR) is a collaborative of UK Government departments and research funders in international development.
ESSENCE on Health Research is an international collaboration between research funders, development agencies, philanthropists and multilateral initiatives.