28 January, 2015
UKCDS hosted an event on 28 January to explore how bioenergy technologies can drive growth in emerging economies.
n collaboration with the SUPERGEN Bioenergy Hub and the Low Carbon Energy Development Network, UKCDS hosted an event on 28 January to explore how bioenergy technologies can drive growth in emerging economies.
The aim of the workshop was to connect different policy, private sector and academic communities with interests in bioenergy in the context of global development issues.
The workshop addressed a range of issues surrounding biomass use and bioenergy implementation in the Global South, including: the role of bioenergy in addressing key energy dilemmas (e.g. access, security, emissions), the sustainability of global biomass trade, and the place of Southern countries within global bioenergy supply chains.
See below for how the event unfolded on twitter, with the UKCDS Storify narrative.