15 May, 2020
The Global Health Network, UKCDR and the African Academy of Sciences are undertaking a survey to seek the opinion and expertise of researchers globally on the top priorities for COVID-19 research in their country and region. The survey will take a global approach with a strong focus on low resource settings.
We have combined research priorities set out in the WHO Coordinated Global Research Roadmap: COVID-19 and a further list of additional priorities defined by the African Academy of Sciences with African based researchers. This survey complements WHO’s work, and also enables funding organisations to support the most critical priority research questions to address across the globe.
We would greatly appreciate if could you share this survey with your various researcher networks, and on social media using the Twitter post below.
You can find the survey here, and the deadline is Wednesday 10th May at 10:00am (BST): https://oxford.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/research-priorities-for-covid-19
Twitter post: